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Tips How to educate children well:

Here are tips on how do we as parents in educating their children well, (and correct) for children in the future can become a person who ... ...

Tips how do we as parents in educating children can be done well, (and correct), it is meant for children in the future can become a person who can be proud, independent person, a polite person, a nice private for yourself, for family and to the surrounding environment.

Here are some tips that can be applied in educating children:
1. tips first: before we are ready to educate a child, we have to control yourself first to ourselves, whether we as parents deserve to be role models, an example, a replica, an idea for children to see and imitate. We would be difficult to educate children if we ourselves do not provide an example or role model for children. It's impossible for us to educate children not to smoke while we ourselves are still smoking, or encourage the diligent study of our own while never learn what's what. Start from ourselves, stop any activity contrary to the lessons / education that will be applied to our children.
2. Tips for a second: the children's education actually started since our children are still in the womb of the mother, although in reality the child is still in the womb of a mother can not communicate with us, but the waves had been recorded in the brains of children, if during the womb, a father often quarreled with his mother, is not impossible that the child would become a hard man him characters. But on the contrary, if we can keep to speak a word of courtesy, full of love and affection, often stroking our stomachs containing the wife and whispered something beautiful words in the prospective child, so maybe the vibrations of love will be felt also by the potential of children earlier and possibly greater if the child will grow into a child who has a good temperament, well cultivated, good behavior and so forth.
3. Tips for a third: start educating children with 'an example' to be discipline and ethics, cultivate this attitude since he was able to recognize good and bad, teach step by step [little by little] in accordance with the spirit and development of children, with whom he went to church or a mosque or a place that teaches dicipline, and give examples of how to behave when in a place of worship, the children are also invited to go to your friend or relative, give an example to our children how to appreciate a friend, appreciate friends, appreciate you.
4. Tip of the four: you should not use something that its 'rule' let alone be accompanied by a 'threat'. The attitude of this rule can be considered the child as an authoritarian attitude, an attitude that has no tolerance and no respect for others, especially accompanied by a threat. In the child who turns to a 9 to the top, and has been doing a lot of interaction with his friends, the attitude of this rule will even be a boomerang for ourselves as parents, why not? For if we are often 'rule' of children and accompanied by 'threat', making the soul child becomes depressed, if circumstances allowed to continue, it is not possible the child will hold a 'little' fight or at least have the feeling unhappy with her parents, who in turn children will rebel, do something with feeling forced and ill feeling. From now stop! Governing children, use a more gentle and received the child, for example: if you do not do this and that, later on you will result in this way. [Give examples of cases of others who experienced similar acts]
5. Tip of the fifth: Be a good listener. If a child is to communicate something, either about himself, about his friends, about school, about his game, listen to talks of children as we listen to our leaders. Do not cut off talks if the child is not yet finished. Listen with a serious but relaxed manner so that children feel that no one is more important than him.
6. Tip of the six: make the child as a 'friend' or 'close friend'. Educating a child will be more successful if we put ourselves as a friend / friend. If we can do this, our children will not find an adviser or where an outpouring of hearts 'out there'. Usually a child will experience a mental shock when he got to know love, hate, longing and revenge with others at the age of 12 years and over.
7. Tips educating children to seven: Instill the values of honesty and responsibility, and social spirit. It is an unwritten rule in society, that courageous act must dare to be responsible. Familiarize children to be truthful, because honesty can add more value to a child, as well as responsibility. Teach children to be doing something right, and reliable. Encourage our children to social activities, community service, helping others to willingly and gladly. Third this habit if it has been embedded since childhood, the child will become a great person.
8. Tips educating children to eight: if the child has done something with an exciting achievement do not forget to give rewards, awards, give a word of praise that can happiness, for he loved to do similar acts in the future better.
9. Tips to nine: his personal respect, and appreciate all the good attitude. Children are rewarded will grow into people who can appreciate other people.
10. Tip of the ten: Avoid words that can break the spirit and creditibility him. If it turns out our kids stupid, mischievous, lazy, wasteful, do not make a verdict against him by saying: you fool! Basic you are stupid! You're naughty, you are very wasteful and similar words. For parents like saying a prayer for the child, psychologically if the child often gets categorized as a fool, a rogue, a lazy, eventually the child will assume that he did so. He will always be foolish, mischievous and so on. If he had to label himself as a label given his parents before, then certainly the child would be like what has been spoken of their parents. Hopefully we do not do this to our favorite son.
That's all I can share in the article: tips on how to educate children well this time, maybe you have something else or adding, I'll gladly do it and I thank you.

From the holy land, Gresik, East Java Indonesia,
Best regards,

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