The best among you is the most beneficial to others




How this time is the way how to make other people want to work with us

Here are some tips on how to get people to cooperate with us:

  1. Provide motivation by example: Basically, everyone will feel good to someone who deserves precedent, so with us, if we want other people willing to work for us without any compulsion, the very first thing is to make ourselves as a model for the other. One of them is that we have character as a desirable person. For example if we want to invite others to cooperate with us to create a bridge to the community, we must be able to give an example that we are working diligently, diligently and professionally without ever complaining.
  2. Give them the opportunity to advise his advice: another factor that needs attention is, that everybody basically did not want to work without any reward or remuneration. Ask him or her the opportunity to give suggestions / ideas, how do you think that if we do this? People would rather be given an opportunity to give than to receive a direct solution method that has become of us. If he's willing to give advice he suggested, he will automatically feel responsible for what he had said earlier. This allows us to bring them in close cooperation.
  3. Tell him that the results of the work was for the interest he and others, not for your own personal interests.
  4. Appreciate the work of others, this will make the person we are working together to be happy and excited, because their work is rewarded, even if only mere words: "you're amazing job, would be very useful for people. " If we are used to appreciate the work of others, though small, will result in tremendous in the future. Since we will be easy to invite others to work together for us again. People who have worked with us will not remain silent, he will tell his experiences while working together with us to others. So forth so that we become a brand name.
  5. Stay in a relationship of brotherhood with anybody regardless of their ethnicity, religion and culture. Think of it people we invite people who want to work with us as brothers. If you need to make ourselves as people are willing to sacrifice for his interests. Do not use and throw, finished just left

That's it first, maybe you could add, let us discuss it together.

Best regards,

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