The best among you is the most beneficial to others



How do I know someone's character?

How do I know someone's character?

This time I tried to share, how do we know someone's character based on habit was doing.

There is a proverb says: if you want to know about someone, then look at who he hangs out. If you hang out with you will smell the perfume seller, and if you hang out with charcoal sellers will be dirty and dusty.

Here there are 8 types of character of a person when hanging out with 8 types of groups of people:

  1. if one lot of hanging out with rich people, then he will be pleased with the wealth of wealth.
  2. if someone like friends with poor people, then he will become Trustees, compassion for others and most grateful.
  3. if someone likes hanging out with a ruler, he will become arrogant and look down on others.
  4. if someone likes hanging out with prostitutes, he would like to say obscene and rude, he will laugh when someone tries to give advice to him.
  5. if someone likes hanging out with beautiful women, he would forget his wife and son, and his heart will always be inclined to him.
  6. if someone likes hanging out with young children, she would like to play around and joke so youthful.
  7. if someone likes hanging out with educators, it will grow and grow polite cleverness.
  8. if someone likes hanging out with experts of worship, he would like to do good and growing love for good deeds.

What do you think?

Yours truly,

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