The best among you is the most beneficial to others



How do I know someone's character?

How do I know someone's character?

This time I tried to share, how do we know someone's character based on habit was doing.

There is a proverb says: if you want to know about someone, then look at who he hangs out. If you hang out with you will smell the perfume seller, and if you hang out with charcoal sellers will be dirty and dusty.

Here there are 8 types of character of a person when hanging out with 8 types of groups of people:

  1. if one lot of hanging out with rich people, then he will be pleased with the wealth of wealth.
  2. if someone like friends with poor people, then he will become Trustees, compassion for others and most grateful.
  3. if someone likes hanging out with a ruler, he will become arrogant and look down on others.
  4. if someone likes hanging out with prostitutes, he would like to say obscene and rude, he will laugh when someone tries to give advice to him.
  5. if someone likes hanging out with beautiful women, he would forget his wife and son, and his heart will always be inclined to him.
  6. if someone likes hanging out with young children, she would like to play around and joke so youthful.
  7. if someone likes hanging out with educators, it will grow and grow polite cleverness.
  8. if someone likes hanging out with experts of worship, he would like to do good and growing love for good deeds.

What do you think?

Yours truly,

Javanese culture is closer to Know:

Javanese culture is closer to Know:
As someone who was born in the small town of Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia, I included the original Java tribe. Terri, a city, but I like to call it a village, because of extensive small area with a relatively small population, had most of the population live from farming, but now has begun to shift the pattern of life, young children are expected to succeed his father a farmer no one wants, they prefer to migrate to big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang and other cities. The main reason they do not want to be a farmer because of being a farmer is hard, but if you persevere, the results from the farmer to harvest one-time cost of living could be for 1 year ahead. It is indeed a reason that is not acceptable reason, just because of fear with the term 'hard work'. But when we inquired more deeply, it turns out that young children do not want to work in the fields because of the shift in lifestyle / life style. If they automatically become a farmer can not follow the trend of young people today. Why? Weird is not it? Just because 'the interests of lifestyle' they must accept the reality of 'hard life'. Why do I say life difficult? Because working in factories as they are concerned that the salary was earned can not be enough for living expenses of 1 month only, but they enjoyed it even though his soul was crying because of restless every day thinking about money.
View of the above is only a review to draw a line backward look Javanese culture that has begun their leave. Javanese culture is a valuable asset began to slowly leave their land. Conscious or not they are that young children who are ungrateful to God and not also on their ancestors. Though Javanese culture that they have actually had a 'values of civilization that was incredible'. Here below I give some examples of Javanese culture (from village to Javanese culture Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia) largely abandoned their

1.      respect and appreciate people who are older, mother father, brother, uncle, etc.. In order to live the Javanese culture, attitude, respect and appreciate older people is upheld. Examples like this: if there are elderly people who were sitting in a chair or on the floor, a young man who happened to be walking through them, it is considered polite when walking with a bow, or at least lowered his hand as he begged permission to pass by saying 'nyuwun-Sewu' or in English: excuse me ...
2.      if a young child will say the word with parents, he must arrange the position of sitting on the floor if the old man sitting in a chair.
3.      if young people will go out, go to work, go to school, he had to ask for blessings of parents with a parent handshakes, kissing the back of the hands of parents, and the sitting position should remain lower than their parents
4.      young people considered to have no manners when the tone of voice tone of voice than the parents, let alone snap
5.      the girls, all time should not be sitting in front of the door. Javanese culture to say 'marai kuwalat' means will lead to ugliness. Why is that? Because if the girl sitting in front of the door will be no adverse impact; first if there are people who want to pass the door to trouble; both can bring in the eyes of men who have looked at the house his girl sitting in the front door. Those people had no apparent reason, but said he was having a very broad meaning. Also some say about the girl who sat in the front door of this house premises saying 'adoh rejekine' means 'away from fortune' why not? Is there a relationship girl sitting in front of the door with a fortune? Once I asked my grandmother who still live in the age of 93 this year, it turns out the answer: the girl who sat in the front door could be considered as a traffic barrier fortune who want to get into the house. The truth is I do not know exactly, but it seems the culture of Java where I was not happy if there are girls sit at the door because it makes disgusted
6.      No more of this habit, if any girl who was cleaning the house, he had to do it clean, otherwise clean, Javanese culture, said: watch out if you do not clean, the future will 'bojomu brewok’ /sideboards, means: watch out if it is not clean, your husband will soon have a pot and dirty hair. If you try to analyze this Javanese cultural words, as there is a message they want delivered, that is if you work, do it to perfection. It is indeed a very valuable lesson.
7.      also, girls are prohibited from cleaning the house at night and throw feces at night, the Java people always say 'do not ilok' means: not worthy!, why not? This turned out to teach, if we work are expected to work on the light, because according to them if it works in a dark place, results achieved will not either.
8.      Further, if later I have time again, until tomorrow.

Sincerely yours,


How to order that our children can grow according to our expectations:

See you again with me in the title the way for our children to grow in accordance with our expectations.

It is an unwritten law, that every positive-minded parents who expect children to the front of his future would be consistent with our expectations, a person who can be proud of, a person who succeeded in his dream dreams, to be honorable, to be someone who can bring substantial benefits to the people around him. No exception even if the parents are evil, he must expect their children will grow up to be people who have the achievement.

While we all already know, that the environment influences the child at the present time, very seriously alarmed us as parents. Environmental influences have a huge impact on a child's psychological development, which will eventually form a pattern of thought and action in the association of children daily basis.

So, how to keep our children can grow in accordance with our expectations while the 'influence of the house' and 'environmental impact' has a very big role.

Here are some ways for our children to grow according to our expectations:

  1. before a child is more familiar with the outside environment, early education should cultivate as a fortress, so that our children have a strong attitude and stance. Instill values of honesty, discipline, respect for others, happy to help, and some knowledge that could enable it to differentiate between good and bad, which is useful and the useless, which ones do and which ones to avoid, etc..
  2. make the relationships within the family is always harmonious, harmonious whole household. Make the most of Facebook in the house there are no quarrels, no tension. The house is serene and peaceful making occupants can think clearly. All problems can be resolved in the best of it. And the serene and peaceful home can make the occupants desire to come together again.
  3. establishes an emotional connection with young children, is not hard to make our children like us. Not with money or goods only, but the most important is the emotional connection. Sincere affection can be felt by the child. Whatever the condition of a parent with a child should never yell loud and harsh words let alone beat him, remember that the word parent to child is a prayer for her son, and beating of children not going to sour a child, which happened on the contrary, the child will be embedded vengeance against parents . But when the parents approach with a loving approach, sooner or later the child will feel all that. He will 'come back' at any time.
  4. when the emotional connection is made, it will be easier to provide education and teaching children. The two words the child will quickly understand.
  5. Next, give children some understanding of the situation out there, the state of the environment out there that might bring bad impact for your children. Give understanding as necessary without too make a child afraid of the state of the environment out there.
  6. the fact that children sometimes occurs almost close / do something that makes parents worry, there's no harm in giving kids a chance to get closer to the things that parents worry about it as a lesson for him, so he could make up his mind. However, parents must remain vigilant, if too concerned should immediately take action.
  7. circumstances outside is not always a negative impact, it is only slightly when compared with the benefits to be gained. Precisely with 'learning' on the outside, can make the child quickly gained a lot of 'lessons learned'. The most important is how the child can take as much benefit from hanging out there.

Humans are not good who never makes a mistake, but the good is an apology for having made a mistake. Because anyone would ever make a mistake, perhaps intentional or not.

Finally, may our children be children growing up according to our expectations, amen.

Best regards,



How this time is the way how to make other people want to work with us

Here are some tips on how to get people to cooperate with us:

  1. Provide motivation by example: Basically, everyone will feel good to someone who deserves precedent, so with us, if we want other people willing to work for us without any compulsion, the very first thing is to make ourselves as a model for the other. One of them is that we have character as a desirable person. For example if we want to invite others to cooperate with us to create a bridge to the community, we must be able to give an example that we are working diligently, diligently and professionally without ever complaining.
  2. Give them the opportunity to advise his advice: another factor that needs attention is, that everybody basically did not want to work without any reward or remuneration. Ask him or her the opportunity to give suggestions / ideas, how do you think that if we do this? People would rather be given an opportunity to give than to receive a direct solution method that has become of us. If he's willing to give advice he suggested, he will automatically feel responsible for what he had said earlier. This allows us to bring them in close cooperation.
  3. Tell him that the results of the work was for the interest he and others, not for your own personal interests.
  4. Appreciate the work of others, this will make the person we are working together to be happy and excited, because their work is rewarded, even if only mere words: "you're amazing job, would be very useful for people. " If we are used to appreciate the work of others, though small, will result in tremendous in the future. Since we will be easy to invite others to work together for us again. People who have worked with us will not remain silent, he will tell his experiences while working together with us to others. So forth so that we become a brand name.
  5. Stay in a relationship of brotherhood with anybody regardless of their ethnicity, religion and culture. Think of it people we invite people who want to work with us as brothers. If you need to make ourselves as people are willing to sacrifice for his interests. Do not use and throw, finished just left

That's it first, maybe you could add, let us discuss it together.

Best regards,



Think before you do, what does this mean? as I've experienced myself (before this article), that if we act without thinking about what consequences that will happen with our deeds, then we will find repentance.

Think before you act quickly you can do if you're already familiar with such a mindset. Make a habit of this as your foundation before doing anything. At first it was not fun and difficult, but if it was used to start a small business, then for large affairs will be easy because it used to.

As an example, ie you're a male wants sexual intercourse with a woman paid, try to ask yourself before doing. Try you in the position of women paid earlier.
Had she paid it is your lover, your heart would could you watched him in the arms of someone else? Or if it is your brother paid her own, what could you watch your brother was treated so? Or maybe she paid it is your own mother? What is your attitude?
Of course you do not like it? If you are not happy, others certainly are not pleased, too. Therefore make it a habit to think before doing

Another example, about the promise. Suppose you make an appointment with someone. Then for one reason you suddenly had to cancel appointments or do not keep their promises. Try to position yourself as a person that you promised.
You have to cancel other plans to fulfill that promise. But suddenly she called and said sorry can not come for one thing. What are you thinking? Of course you will be angry right? Likewise, other people certainly angry

Any act which would you do, think before you act. Useful or not? profit or loss? Be good or bad? Create hurt others or make happy, etc..

Best regards